Sub aboutButton_Click () AboutForm.Show 1 End Sub Sub Form_Load () spx1.LinkType = 2 End Sub Sub FormatInternetAddress (inString) Dim nwString, outString As String Dim index As Integer 'Pretty printing for the hexidecimal network and node addresses outString = "[" nwString = Mid$(inString, 1, 4) For index = 1 To Len(nwString) outString = outString & Format$(Hex$(Asc(Mid$(nwString, index, 1))), "00") Next index outString = outString & "][" nwString = Mid$(inString, 5, 6) For index = 1 To Len(nwString) outString = outString & Format$(Hex$(Asc(Mid$(nwString, index, 1))), "00") Next index outString = outString & "]" inString = outString End Sub Sub okButton_Click () End End Sub Sub ServerMenuFileExit_Click () End End Sub Sub spx1_LinkEvent () Dim address As String If spx1.Event Then MsgBox "Error Link: " & spx1.Event End If If spx1.Status = 0 Then address = spx1.ReceivedFrom FormatInternetAddress address remoteList.AddItem address & " has disconnected" End If End Sub Sub spx1_ReceiveData () Dim address As String If spx1.Received = "DIR" Then id = spx1.Connection address = spx1.ReceivedFrom FormatInternetAddress address remoteList.AddItem address & " has connected" spx1.RemoteName = spx1.ReceivedFrom spx1.Send = Dir$("*.*") End If End Sub Sub spx1_SendData () newFile = Dir$ If newFile <> "" Then spx1.Send = newFile End If End Sub